B2B SEO Agency Statistics Best Strategies: 2024

B2B SEO Agency Statistics Best Strategies: 2024

SEO is a rapidly changing field of digital marketing compared to other related fields i.e. PPC, SMM, SEM, etc. You learn new things and tactics daily. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and new and effective strategies are the primary key to success in this field. If you rank on top of SERP and de-rank your competitors, there’s only one key which is you should stay one step ahead in every aspect and be well-informed on what’s new in the market of SEO.

Some authentic resources in the SEO field publish new trends in the field. One of them is Search Engine Journal, which has released a report named State of SEO report which contains the analysis of trends and predictions for 2024. In this report, they discuss those trends that will impact in SEO industry in 2024.

SEO strategies, trends, challenges, and other things are happening in the SEO field, how it’s changed in the last year, and what will be next year, you should count on this journal if you want to have a strong and effective SEO strategy in 2024.

In the realm of digital marketing, B2B SEO Agency stands as a pivotal strategy for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence. Unlike B2C SEO, which targets individual consumers, B2B SEO Agency focuses on meeting the specific needs and decision-making processes of businesses. It’s about understanding the nuances of how businesses search for solutions online and tailoring your content and SEO strategy accordingly.

Core Components of B2B SEO Agency

The key difference between B2B and B2C SEO lies in the target audience and their purchasing journey. B2B transactions are often more complex, involving multiple decision-makers and a longer sales cycle. This requires a more nuanced approach to keyword research, content creation, and lead nurturing. The core components of a B2B SEO Agency include a deep understanding of the business audience, creating highly specialized content, and a focus on building long-term relationships rather than quick sales.

Choosing the Right B2B SEO Agency

What to Look for in an Agency

Red Flags to Avoid

Selecting the right B2B SEO agency is crucial for your business’s online success. Look for agencies with proven experience in your industry, a transparent approach to strategy and reporting, and a strong portfolio of successful B2B campaigns. Be wary of red flags like unrealistic promises, lack of clear communication, and a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO.

SEO statics you must know in 2024

This is the era of AI. Where AI affects every field of life and business same level of effect on the content field. Creating effective content is getting complex and challenging while Generative AI creates content more efficiently. E-E-A-T, Experience to expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are added by Google to their quality-rated guidelines to ensure quality content on websites.

Following are some statistics that shaping strategies for 2024

B2B SEO Agency 

Increasing number of mobile phone users

In 2028, there will be over 5.1 billion smartphone users. Mobile-friendly websites are indexed first by Google. Due to search engines’ preference for mobile-responsive websites, optimizing websites for mobile users becomes crucial. The mobile-first approach is essential for businesses to ensure seamless user experiences on all devices. Moreover, it can be the answer to marketers’ questions about increasing SEO traffic.

A significant number of voice search queries occur every month

Another search query type is voice search which hits the number of 1 billion every month. This indicates that users prefer to dictate query by voice search option available in the Google search bar, instead of typing query. For e-commerce sites, it becomes essential to optimize voice search queries. Create content that directly answers users’ questions by using conversational keywords.

35.1% Clicks Come From Featured Snippets

Featured snippets play a vital role in search results. It’s becoming more critical. Around 35.% clicks were generated from feature snippets and 44% from organic listening on Google. Chances to appear in feature snippets are possible if you structure content to more concise and informative answers to commonly asked questions. Another technique is,  to analyze your competitors in your niche who are appearing in feature snippets

Role of good UX in Google Ranking

Page speed, Inactivity, and good user experience are core web vital of Google and they will play an important role in ranking in 2024. Nearly 88% of users are less likely to return to a website due to bad user experience. Core web vital impact your website ranking and Google uses these matrices to decide who ranks where. Visibility, increased ranking, and success are associated with a user-friendly experience.

52% of Users Leave the Website Due to a Bad Mobile Experience

If you want to succeed in SEO you must prioritise user experience. As per Zippia, about 52% of mobile users abandon websites due to bad mobile experience. Seamless navigation, attractive design, and fast-loading pages are key to a good user experience.

CTR, Bounce rates, and time spent on a page regularly are some factors to make sure that visitors to your site have a good experience. High CTR and time spent on your site with less bounce rate indicate that your site is going in the right direction.

AI Contribution to Content Creation

Around 58% of people use artificial intelligence for creating content According to Search Engine Land in 2023. In SEO strategies, the integration of AI is increasing. This is because AI-powered tools can analyze large amounts of data, trends identification, and optimization of content. Utilization of AI tools to create content and enhance your SEO performance because AI is getting more mature day by day. Initially, Google warned AI-generated content for years but now they have softened their policies.

Growing Semantic Search And Natural Language Processing Market in 2024

Google is continuously improving algorithms to better understand user intent and natural language. In 2024 natural language processing market will grow more and most probably hit the figure of billions. Concentrate on producing unique, high-quality material that thoroughly addresses a subject, incorporating a variety of semantically related keywords to enhance optimization for semantic searches and boost relevance.

Impact of user-generated Content on Buying Decision of Buyer

Content is the basic component of SEO strategy and plays a key role in the buying decision of the buyer. 70 out of 100 individuals are influenced in their buying decisions by content created by users. Crafting content that resonates with users’ needs and preferences is vital. This involves tailoring content to align with user intentions, scrutinizing customer behaviors, and offering meaningful and captivating information. Such strategies not only heighten user satisfaction but also significantly boost organic traffic.

Importance of reviews in local businesses in 2024

Local SEO has become by far the most important part of a business’s appearance in this digital era. Local SEO is paramount for a business that targets a local audience. Most people get information about businesses by using the internet thus, a business must claim and optimize Google My Business listing. GMB is ranked by using local keywords in content and positive reviews to improve your visibility in Local search results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is B2B SEO and how does it differ from B2C SEO?

B2B SEO (Business-to-Business Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing strategy tailored for businesses targeting other businesses. Unlike B2C SEO, which focuses on consumers, B2B SEO caters to the specific needs and decision-making processes of businesses. This involves a more detailed approach to keyword research, content creation, and nurturing longer sales cycles.

Why is choosing the right B2B SEO agency important for my business?

Choosing the right B2B SEO agency is crucial as it ensures your SEO strategy is effectively aligned with your business goals. A proficient agency will have a deep understanding of your industry, offer bespoke strategies, and drive meaningful engagements, ultimately leading to better online visibility and business growth.

What are some key factors to consider when selecting a B2B SEO agency?

Key factors include the agency’s experience in your industry, their approach to SEO strategy and reporting, and their track record of successful campaigns. Transparency, clear communication, and a customized approach to SEO are also important.

How does content play a role in B2B SEO?

Content is central to B2B SEO. High-quality, specialized content that addresses the specific needs and questions of business clients helps attract and engage the right audience. It’s not just about quantity, but the relevance and value of the content that matters in B2B SEO.

Can B2B SEO adapt to the constantly changing digital landscape?

Yes, a dynamic B2B SEO strategy can adapt to changes in the digital landscape. This involves staying updated with search engine algorithm changes, emerging technologies, and evolving industry trends. A good B2B SEO agency will continually refine and adjust strategies to maintain and enhance online visibility and engagement.


Predicting the exact evolution of Google’s SEO trends and techniques may not be feasible, but one certainty remains: quality consistently trumps quantity. Rather than producing content that’s partially developed and somewhat relevant, it’s wiser to prioritize investing in SEO for leveraging organic reach without relying on paid ads. Keep up-to-date and begin assessing your SEO strategy until new developments emerge on the search engine results pages, transforming your SEO metrics. Get in touch with us for further insights!