Google Voice Search For Business and SEO

Google Voice Search For Business and SEO

You probably think of blog posts and site headings when you think of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. If you don’t consider voice search when building your online business, you’re leaving money on the table. 

Google Voice Search for businesses and SEO are becoming increasingly important as consumers embrace voice-enabled devices. Most people don’t even think about voice search when building their online business.

It is becoming more convenient to ask Siri about restaurants, stores, and other businesses nearby than to type a search into Google. People with disabilities may benefit from it as well because it returns results more quickly.

Voice search is becoming increasingly important in local SEO and will have a significant impact on businesses’ online presence, as we’ll explore in this article.

What is voice search?‌

You can use voice search on your smartphone, a home smart speaker, or any other smart device with speech recognition technology.

A voice assistant learns your speech patterns using what is called natural language processing (NLP) and recognizes your voice over time. 

This technology isn’t mature enough yet but with the passage of time it is getting better and refined. More you use it, the better it will be.

voice search

Why are more people using it?‌

Convenience is a main reason behind the usage of this voice research for google search You may be more comfortable asking a question and using the activation phrase “Hey, Google” rather than writing it into the search bar.

You can conduct voice searches hands-free. Suppose you are halfway through baking a cake and your hands are covered in flour. Without messing up your phone, you can use voice search to look up the recipe steps.

Other reasons people use voice search include:

  • A regular search isn’t as fun as this one
  • There’s no need to open an app or start a computer
  • Mobile phone users don’t like to type
  • In situations like driving, you can use it hands-free
  • In this way, people believe that they can search more accurately

People of all ages use voice search regularly, especially younger generations. Businesses that capitalize on voice search SEO now will have a better chance of competing when it comes to voice search optimization in the future.

Voice search favors local listings‌

Often, people use voice searches to search for nearby gas stations, restaurants, dry cleaners, etc. The majority of voice searches involve “near me” information – people searching for the closest gas station, restaurant, dry cleaner,.

It was common for people to make searches such as these to find what they needed quickly a few years ago. Besides finding places to stay and places to visit, local voice search was also used to find places to visit.

The Rise of Voice Search

Many devices, including the Amazon Echo, Google Home, and smartphones, use the Google Assistant voice search platform.

Users can now interact with technology through natural language through tools such as Google Workspace and Google Calendar with Google Voice Search.

The prevalence of voice search technology requires businesses to adapt their SEO strategies.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile

Google Voice Search success depends on having a Google My Business profile that is well optimized.

Local SEO strategies are essential for voice search, since most queries are local.

For enhanced visibility in local search results, make sure your business information is accurate on platforms such as Bing Places and Apple Maps.

You can increase traffic to your physical or online storefront by aligning your business profile with voice search optimization.

What kind of keywords are people using for voice search?‌

Knowing what kind of keywords people use when searching with their voice is critical for optimizing your online presence for voice search. Consider these factors when building your keyword strategy:

  • Question keywords — “why, when, what, how, and where”
  • Long-tail keywords — the words you use to complete a question like “today” or “last week”
  • Filler words and phrases — “I, of the, on the, for, to” and so on

keywords are people using for voice search

Key words in voice searches are organized more naturally than in keyboard searches, since they follow the structure of natural conversation.Find out what potential customers would search for if they asked a voice assistant about your business.

Tools like Answer the Public provide rich feedback on likely voice searches generated from the main keyword. Photo questions, for example, result from a search of the word “photography”:

  • How photography works
  • Can photography be a hobby
  • What photography equipment do I need

Navigating the Landscape of Voice Assistants

Google Voice Search is just a small tiny player in the voice search field. It’s important to consider the holistic approach to voice search optimization when competing with Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, and Apple Siri.

Creating content that complies with the unique algorithms of different voice assistants ensures greater visibility.

Maintaining a competitive edge also requires staying current on voice technology and search engine algorithms.

Strategies to optimize your site’s SEO for voice search

Knowing voice search is used and why it is important for your business is the first step toward figuring out where you fit in. Using mobile devices and smart phones to make money is easy by following these tips.

1. Understand the customer‌

There is no one way or reason that everyone will use voice search. You can better understand how to reach your target audience by knowing their demographic breakdown.

Gen Z and Millennials will use voice search more frequently than Boomers and Gen X, for example.

In addition to using voice search in different ways, different groups will also use voice search on different devices – one group may prefer mobile voice assistants, while another group may prefer smart speakers, such as Alexa.

Your audience’s search terms are also crucial. There are a few common categories of local voice search:

  • Finding an address
  • Getting directions
  • Finding a business phone number
  • Finding business hours
  • Finding how far away a business is

Local voice search queries like these can be grouped into three broad categories:

  • Discovery queries — where users are looking for a type of business (i.e., “Find a coffee shop near Dodger Stadium”)
  • Direct queries — where users want to get specific information or take specific action related to a business (i.e., “Call Joe’s Coffee House”)
  • Knowledge queries — where users are looking for the answer to a question (i.e., “How many actors played James Bond before Daniel Craig?”)

The key to getting your site ranked at the top of search engines is to design your site to answer common user questions and needs.

2. Focus on conversational keywords and user intent

‌As with any other person, people tend to speak to voice assistants or smart speakers similarly. You should plan your content accordingly, because they’ll use whole sentences instead of a couple of keywords.

If you were searching for your business using voice search, try to think of the natural phrases that people would use. If possible, answer those questions on your page and business listing.

For example, you could optimize your business listing and site for the search “coffee shops near me,” as well as “coffee shops in St, Louis, Mo,” or “What are the best coffee shops in St louis?”

3. Use schema markup to make your page easy to categorize‌

In addition to backlinks and keywords, there are several other ways to let the programs that scan web pages, called “web crawlers,” know what your page is about. By using schema markup, you can do this easily.

The schema tag serves as a label for web crawlers when you add it to your HTML website. By using these tags, you let Google and other search engines know how good a match your website is for a user’s search.

When your website is marked up using schema markup, your website will appear in the right category, thereby optimizing SEO by making the defining information easy to find on your website.

Your website will be found faster by users using voice search and mobile search.

Regardless of your level of coding expertise, don’t worry. Your website can be schema marked up using free tools.

It is particularly useful to use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. To customize the data displayed in the search listing for your site, enter the URL of your website and follow the prompts.

4. Build a detailed FAQ page‌

There is no doubt that a FAQ page is one of the best ways to answer as many relevant questions as possible without keyword stuffing. As a result, your page is more authoritative and provides value to your visitors.

Think about incorporating these terms in your questions. Most searches revolve around “who, what, when, where, and how.” Optimize each question with conversational answers to optimize for longer keywords.

Provide easy access to your FAQ page. Ensure it loads quickly and functions smoothly. Each question and answer should clearly mark the customer’s overall experience. It’s a good idea to include a way for them to let you know if they still have questions after reading your page.

5. Optimize for local voice search‌

A voice search is typically used to locate a business near where people live, plan to visit, or are at the time. You can direct these searchers to your business by optimizing your website for mobile and local searches.

A business’s local voice search visibility is affected by the following factors:

  • Close to the searcher
  • Positive reviews regularly
  • Frequent links to their website and content
  • Engagement with people on social media channels
  • Local, industry-specific directory listings

Google Business Profiles (GBPs) need to be updated regularly. Include relevant keywords and pictures on your website if you have one.

Additionally, fill out every field accurately so that Google has a better understanding of your business and it will appear more frequently.

In addition to YellowPages, update Bing and other directory listings. Your business will benefit from having complete profiles on a variety of platforms.

You should update them once a few months with current information.

Optimizing for multiple voice assistants can also be achieved by claiming your business profiles across multiple platforms.

If you have a Bing profile, Cortana is more likely to find you.

local voice search‌

6. Optimize for mobile 

Those who are out and about most frequently use their smartphones to find places near them, which is why they would search for them with a “near me” search.

The best way to ensure your site stays at the top of the listings is to make sure all your pages load quickly, display relevant information, so that users can find the answers they are looking for.

Get your business heard in voice search‌

It’s important to optimize your website for voice search. By doing so, you’ll put your site a step ahead of the competition.

Take a moment to consider how you use voice search on a daily basis. Think about what your customers might want, and think about how you can meet that need.

The Future of SEO: Integrating Voice Technology

Business strategies that incorporate voice search optimization into their digital marketing strategies will continue to gain traction as voice search gains traction.

Marketing should emphasize featured snippets, natural language, and optimizing for mobile devices to adapt to the shift from text-based searches to voice searches.

A growing number of smartphone users are using voice technology to communicate on the go, and by adopting this change you will not only increase your search engine rankings but also align your brand with their preferences.

Businesses that adapt their SEO strategies proactively will reap the benefits as voice search becomes more and more integral to our lives.

In order to remain competitive in the digital marketing landscape, businesses must understand the nuances of Google Voice Search, optimize local profiles, and stay current with developments in voice technology.

Techqubix at  St. Louis, we design websites that can connect your business to the world through voice search, and make your online presence more accessible and connected.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to do SEO for voice search?

To optimize for voice search, focus on long-tail keywords, provide concise and direct answers, optimize for local search, and ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Is voice search the future of SEO?

Voice search is increasingly important in the world of SEO, as more people use voice-activated devices. It’s essential for businesses to adapt their SEO strategies to accommodate this growing trend.

How do I get my business on Google Voice search?

To get your business on Google Voice search, ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date on Google My Business, optimize for local SEO, and create content that answers common voice search queries.

Does voice search work for business?

Yes, voice search can be highly beneficial for businesses. By optimizing for voice search, businesses can increase their visibility, attract local customers, and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.


This article outlines strategies for optimizing content for voice search, emphasizing the use of long-tail keywords, concise answers, local SEO, and mobile-friendliness. It highlights the growing importance of voice search in SEO and the need for businesses to adapt their strategies accordingly. The article also provides specific steps to get a business listed on Google Voice search, such as ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on Google My Business, optimizing for local SEO, and creating content that answers common voice search queries. The article concludes by affirming that voice search is beneficial for businesses, as it can increase visibility, attract local customers, and help businesses stay competitive in the digital landscape.