Hourly Seo Consulting Rates

Hourly Seo Consulting Rates

You don’t have to struggle to find an SEO consulting company to assist you in all of your search engine marketing and other website needs. If you are looking for hourly SEO consulting professionals in the St. Louis area, TechQubix is the place to go. Your website can be taken to a new level by our team of content writers, SEO experts, and strategists. You should find out a few things first about the company you hire for SEO consulting services, regardless of which one you choose.

Get to know the Resource

An important thing to know about the company’s SEO team is who does the work. Depending on the company, you may be dealing with the person who does the work directly or you may be dealing with the contact person who then delegated the SEO work to others. In either case, there are advantages to both, so it may simply depend on your personal preferences and finding one that instills confidence in you after speaking with them.  A small team of dedicated individuals at TechQubix takes care of your entire project.  We have professionals with experience in a variety of industries who can help you outrank your competition.

Who Should Have Access

In addition, you should find out whether you’ll have access to the accounts that SEO consulting companies set up for you before hiring them. In addition to updating your profile on Yahoo, Google, Bing, and others, a reputable SEO firm will optimize your profile on several other websites. Suppose you decide to switch SEO companies and you don’t have access to your accounts with the new company. If you don’t have access to those accounts, neither will the new company, so you may have to start fresh. The only person who can make changes to sign-in and password information is you, so make sure you have administrative access to all the accounts your SEO company updates. Keeping this in mind will save you a lot of frustration if you and the SEO consulting firm part ways in the future.  The credentials and access credentials we provide to your small business are handled by TechQubix.  The process of regaining accounts from “previous guys” can be frustrating.  We know that our service will keep you coming back to TechQubix every month as we are the most transparent SEO company.

How they measure their effectiveness and success

The third thing you should ask your SEO consulting firm is how they measure their effectiveness and success. An experienced firm will be able to explain how they know their strategies are improving your website ranking. Your SEO experts should be able to provide you with printed reports that show your website’s improved ranking, increased traffic, and other indicators of growth after you hire them.  In addition to providing metrics and written performance reports directly to you, TechQubix tracks your conversions, visitors, and contact forms to explain how our services are helping you.


If you decide to part ways with an SEO company, they may also remove all your content and links. Because of this, you should ask them how they handle the relationship when you stop working with them. A website’s success is greatly influenced by content and links, so if the SEO company removes them all, you may be left with nothing. If the relationship ends, have something written that explains what will happen so there is no confusion or miscommunication.  There’s no point in removing the work we’ve done for your business – how absurd would that be?

Check For References/ Portfolio

Last but not least, your SEO consulting company should be able to provide references from previous clients who were satisfied with the results. Find another company if the one you are considering is just telling you how great it is and making all kinds of promises without any proof to back it up.

Why TechQubix

The SEO consultants at TechQubix can increase the success of your website by providing a team of qualified consultants. Everything from content writing to insertion of backlinks to marketing your website is taken care of by us. You can hire us with complete confidence because we handle every aspect of the process with respect.  Let us help you with an hourly arrangement. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are hourly SEO consulting rates?

Hourly SEO consulting rates refer to the charges incurred by businesses or individuals for the services of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultant on an hourly basis.

How do hourly SEO consulting rates work?

Hourly SEO consulting rates typically involve paying for the time a consultant spends working on your project. The rates may vary based on the consultant’s expertise, experience, and the scope of the SEO services provided.

Why choose hourly SEO consulting rates over other pricing models?

Hourly rates offer flexibility, allowing you to pay for the exact amount of time and specific services you need. It can be a cost-effective option for short-term projects or when the scope of work is not well-defined.

Do hourly SEO consulting rates include all services, or are there additional fees?

The inclusion of services in hourly rates varies among consultants. It’s essential to clarify with the SEO consultant whether additional fees apply for specific tasks or services outside the agreed-upon hourly rate.

How can I estimate the total cost of hourly SEO consulting for my project?

To estimate the total cost, multiply the consultant’s hourly rate by the anticipated number of hours required for your project. Discussing the scope of work with the consultant beforehand can help in providing a more accurate estimate.


In conclusion, when seeking hourly SEO consulting services in the St. Louis area, TechQubix stands out as a reliable choice. With a dedicated team of content writers, SEO experts, and strategists, they offer a comprehensive approach to elevate your website’s performance. Key considerations when selecting an SEO consulting firm include understanding the team responsible for the work, ensuring access to crucial accounts, evaluating measurement of effectiveness, clarifying the post-relationship handling, and seeking references from satisfied clients. TechQubix excels in addressing these aspects, providing transparent services that prioritize your business’s success.